Most Regions Will Post 20%+ Growth in Truck Production

Chris Fisher
Chris Fisher

Editor’s Note: This is an updated report from the Q2 2021 Truck Production Index report produced by Chris Fisher and Jim Downey, Vice President-Global Data Products, in July 2021.

Question: What is the global truck production picture? What is the outlook?

PSR Opinion: Overall, medium and heavy truck demand will finish the year on a strong note, and continued strength is expected into 2022.  On-going supply chain disruptions will continue to impact production throughout the rest of the year and likely into 2022.

Question: What kind of global production volume do you expect for this year?

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Trucking News: Asking The Expert

Chris Fisher
Chris Fisher

What is the current state of electric vehicle technology globally as well as the U.S.?

From a medium and heavy truck perspective, electric trucks are still in the early stages of testing and it will still be a few years before we know if the current technology will be effective.  Transit or city buses are much further along in the process since these are largely not for profit vehicles and have more dedicated routes that allow for more consistent recharge. 

China is probably the furthest along with electric bus adoption with almost half of all medium and heavy buses produced being electric.  While electrified bus adoption in North America and Europe is not nearly as strong as China, demand is increasing. 

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