Cummins Agnostic ICE’s and Hydrogen Fuel Update

Chris Fisher
Chris Fisher

Cummins plans to introduce their agnostic ICE engine platforms with testing to begin in 2024 and series production to start in the 2026/2027 timeframe.  The engine platforms use a common base engine.  Below the head gasket the engines will mostly have similar components and above the head gasket the engine will have different components for different fuel types.  The new platforms will include the B6.7, X10 and the X15 engines.  The X10 will ultimately supersede the current L9 and X12 engine platforms.  

In North America, Cummins plans to introduce the agnostic engine platforms starting in 2026.  Diesel and natural gas will be the first fuel types introduced and hydrogen versions will soon follow.

SourcesFleetOwner  Cummins X Series Agnostic Engines  Cummins Agnostic Overview

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Forecast: Component Shortages and Supply Chain Disruptions

Chris Fisher
Chris Fisher

Since the latter part of last year, North American heavy commercial truck orders have been extremely strong as freight rates remain very high.  Both contract rates and spot rates are in record territory, primarily driven by consumer spending, a strong housing market and an improving manufacturing sector. 

The anticipation of the stimulus spending and increasing vaccination rates for Covid-19 are also driving optimism in the economy.  However, rising inflation could derail the improving economy.

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Global Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges

SUMMARY. The global economy, especially within the Engine, OEM and Components industries, has felt the immediate impact from COVID: assembly line shutdowns, labor issues, supply chain issues, logistics and transportation to name a few.  The pandemic has exposed many weak links in the global economic chain. However, by end of summer, most of these challenges were either completely resolved or temporary solutions had been put in place. 

Yosyf Sheremeta
Yosyf Sheremeta

Diversification has become the theme during the pandemic recovery, and we expect this trend to continue.  Not only are companies looking for new markets and suppliers to grow top and bottom line revenue as well as to minimize risks, but we see a shift into new industries.  Furthermore, rapid developments of new technologies create massive opportunities for OEMs and suppliers as well as posing real threats to OEMs that solely rely on traditional products that are powered by fossil fuels. 

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Pandemic Reduces Moscow 2021 Oil and Gas Show

Maxim Sakov
Maxim Sakov

MOSCOW–The recently-completed Neftegaz (the International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Industries) trade show held at the Moscow Expocenter was smaller than in the past. This fair is conducted every two years and is a largest local event in the oil and gas industry. This year’s fair was held April 26-29.

It’s a small trade show, and it was even this year than in past years. The number of participants was down from 550 to about 400 companies representing 18 countries. The largest delegations (besides Russia itself) were presented by Germany and China. Germany has set national expositions on the fair.

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The Impact of Coronavirus on China Society and Economy – A Personal Perspective

(ST. PAUL, Minn., USA) – Our team members in China face daily challenges as they navigate the myriad regulations and safety measures implemented by local authorities and the national government attempting to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID19).  

Confinement to home is the hardest part.  Schools have yet to re-open after the Spring Festival holiday.  Special IDs proving one is a local resident must be presented when going outside.  Store visits are restricted to one person per household every two to five days, depending on your location. 

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Super App Strategy Is at a Crossroads: Grab and GOJEK

Grab and GOJEK, the two strongest Southeast Asian ride-hiring services, will focus their resources on their ancestral businesses of car dispatch, delivery and payment. Due to the impact of the new coronavirus, both companies have decided to reduce their workforce for the first time since their founding about 10 years ago and are withdrawing from their non-core businesses.

Akihiro Komuro
Akihiro Komuro

The “Super-app” concept, which provides a full range of lifestyle-related services, was forced to be reviewed.

Grab and GOJEK announced in succession in June that they would be laying off 5% (360 employees) and 9% (430 employees), respectively.

Since February, the business environment has changed dramatically with the COVID-19. The use of the service has plummeted due to restrictions on behavior by governments.

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Canada Considers Tariffs on Chinese EVs Similar To US and EU Moves

Guy Youngs
Guy Youngs

The Canadian government is preparing tariffs on Chinese-made EVs to align with the US and European Union, which have already proposed heavy duties to deter “unfair” competition imported from overseas

The country holds strong ties with the US and EU and looks to align with its trade partners in solidarity while blocking a potential loophole China could use to enter North America.

Source: Electrek: Read The Article

PSR Analysis:  Canada is still in the early stages of these tariffs, with discussion ongoing. Prime Minister Trudeau has not publicly committed Canada to imposing tariffs on Chinese EVs, stating the cabinet is monitoring the situation closely.   PSR

Guy Youngs is Forecast & Adoption Lead at Power Systems Research