Fabio Ferraresi
Fabio Ferraresi

John Deere has just announced an investment of US$ 35 million (R$ 190 million) in the production facilities for its Construction Division, two manufacturing units located in Indaiatuba, in the interior of São Paulo. The goal is to expand capacity to meet the growing demand for machines and to implement its Smart Connected Factory program, or Industry 4.0, which encompasses technologies to increase efficiency, quality in processes and reduce operating costs.

Source: Investe São Paulo  Read The Article

PSR Analysis: John Deere is reaching production capacity with the huge growth of demand for Construction Equipment in Brazil in recent years. This demand should continue and should keep increasing with the planned Infrastructure Investments and the continued expansion of the Mining business. Moreover, the strategy of localization, making products in Brazil rather than importing, making Brazilian plants a hub for exports, needs continued investment.   PSR

Fabio Ferraresi is Director Business, Development South Americafor Power Systems Research