When discussions take place about Alternative power systems, (hydrogen fuel cells or battery electric engines), experts often fall into one camp or the other.

Proponents of each technology have been vocal in spotlighting the benefits they have to provide. Often, they will compare battery electric to hydrogen fuel cell performances, particularly when it comes to vehicles. However, experts are now coming to the conclusion that it’s not really a matter of deciding which technology will win out and which will disappear. Instead, each form of clean power will find its place, as each has strengths in specific areas. The main points of debate are Efficiency, Infrastructure and Environmental impact.

Source: Hydrogen Fuel News: Read The Article

PSR Analysis: It’s good to see that experts are finally agreeing that both technologies will play a part – the conclusion is that each has its own strength – EV’s for small to medium applications and FCEV for heavy duty application such as heavy trucks, trains and ships, and we can expect to see them each dominating in their own areas.  PSR

Guy Youngs is Forecast & Adoption Lead at Power Systems Research