Guy Youngs
Guy Youngs

Chinese automotive conglomerate BYD is establishing a joint venture with Huaihai Holding Group to establish themselves as the world’s largest supplier of sodium-ion batteries for small EVs. Previously, we’ve seen CATL (BYD’s main competitor), announce plans to produce sodium-ion cells.

Sodium-ion batteries deliver a lower energy density than traditional lithium-ion cells but cost notably less to produce. Their main component (sodium) is also safer and more abundant than lithium. The chemistry is ideal for smaller EVs that generally deliver less range and have less demand on a daily mobility basis.

Source: Electrek  Read The Article

PSR Analysis: This could potentially be a game changer. If the weight, volume or energy density of the new battery chemistry isn’t too far out of line, this could be a major upset. It’s also another example of how rapidly the battery market is changing.   PSR

Guy Youngs is Forecast & Adoption Lead at Power Systems Research