Japan continues its efforts to make hydrogen a carrier of energy at all levels of society even though the results are not productive. Japan’s focus on hydrogen for transportation, imported hydrogen and derivatives for electrical generation, and hydrogen for home heating and cooking is proving economically destructive.

Japan, and especially, Toyota, has been pushing hydrogen for years. Toyota began exploring hydrogen for vehicles in 1992, at the same time it was exploring electric vehicles. It delivered the first EV cars in 1993.

But at some point, industrial and energy and transportation policy became entangled, and instead of abandoning hydrogen when it became clear that electric vehicles were vastly superior, Toyota kept pushing hydrogen, to the extent that it gave away $15,000 of free hydrogen with every car, including refurbished ones. It loses money on every one, yet it persists.

When you compare the most expensive form of energy with wind and solar energy you have a recipe for economic disaster

Source: CleanTechnica    Read The Article

PSR Analysis: Japan is slipping into hydrogen and energy poverty. Japan will have to make changes in the way it deals with energy or it will not be able to compete
internationally and will have problems paying for imported energy. PSR

Guy Youngs is Forecast & Adoption Lead at Power Systems Research