Russian authorities plan to increase vehicle utilization fees in 2021, according to automotive sources.

Utilization fees could be increased by as much as 25-30% for all types of vehicles, including special machinery, according to industry sources. This measure would be accompanied by a comparable devaluation of the national currency, which would reduce trade barriers.

Utilization fees were implemented in 2012. It was always considered as a compensation of Custom’s tax reduce after Russia’s entry into WTO. It was set in Russian Rubles. Initially, the fees were paid by the importers only. However, they later were expanded to everybody, but then local OEMs started receiving industrial subsidies, compensating for this fee.

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PSR Analysis: With reduced tax collection and increased State expenses in 2020, Russian authorities are seeking sources to compensate for income losses. Increasing utilization fees is one way to do this.    PSR

Maxim Sakov is Market Consultant – Russia Operations for Power Systems Research