In speech “Development Status and Trend of Mobile Emission Regulation”, delivered by Research Fellow Ms. Ni Hong of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, think tank for Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in concurrent event of Engine China 2019, Ms. Ni noted that CO2 reduction is an issue of future scrutiny. NS 7 will come after NS 6 and that emission regulation will only be more and more stringent.

Source: China Automotive News     Read The Article

Qin Fen
Qin Fen

PSR Analysis: As more and more after-treatment devices installed, it will be more and more expensive for end users.  Any emerging technologies that address both emission and cost of ownership will stand a better chance of success.

国六之后有国七 排放监管越来越严

2019年08月13日 – 8月8~9日,在中国内燃机工业协会六届三次理事会(扩大)会议上,中国环境科学研究院研究员倪红发表主题为《移动源排放法规发展状况和趋势》的报告,她表示温室气体协同减排是未来监管需要考虑的问题,国六标准之后还会有国七,排放监管会越来越严。

新闻来源:人民网– 阅读原文链接
