Thailand May Become New Car Sales Leader in 2019

New car sales from January to June in six major countries in Southeast Asia were 1.7 million, unchanged from the same period of the previous year.

Thailand and Indonesia are the two major markets. Thailand, where consumption is strong, increased by 7% year-on-year, while Indonesia, which faces a decline in resource prices, decreased by 13%. Thailand could be ranked first this year for the first time in six years.

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極東 > 日本レポート:

ヤンマーホールディングス株式会社は、バッテリー技術会社であるELEO Technologies(本社:オランダ・ヘルモンド市)の株式の過半数を取得したと発表した。ヤンマーは、ELEOの先進的で拡張性のあるモジュール式電池技術を統合することで、オフロード車向けにカスタマイズしたソリューションを提供し、電動パワートレインの能力をさらに高めると述べている。


2017年に設立されたELEO Technologiesは、独自のバッテリーマネジメントシステム(BMS)と熱管理技術によって差別化された先進的なモジュール式バッテリーパックを開発・生産している。同社は、新たな先進的な生産設備の完成を間近に控え、年間バッテリー生産能力を約 10,000 個に相当する 500 MWh に拡大する予定だ。

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Mitsubishi Manufactures Wind Turbines

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has begun manufacturing the basic structure of wind turbines at the Nagasaki Shipyard, where excess capacity exists. This is because MHI’s specialty LNG carriers are monopolized by Korean manufacturers and MHI is not receiving orders. Now, they take on non-shipbuilding jobs and help maintain the employment of the shipyard. Their Nagasaki Shipyard started manufacturing the basic structure that supports large wind turbines. Since the shipyard has a space for handling large parts of the ship, it can also be used to manufacture wind turbines.

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Recession May Come Before CASE Is Realized


President and Founder, Japan Electrification Research Institute, Ltd.

SUMMARY. The global auto industry is bubbling with changes and dramatic new ideas, but the current declining financial performances of Japanese auto OEMs may force them to drop out of the race temporarily before they can take advantage of the growing demand for autonomous vehicles.

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